Friday, February 3, 2012

Let's Change it Up.

Favorite television programs. It certainly isn't literature related, huh? Ha-ha. Nevertheless, we proceed on through the tumultuous waters of the moving pictures on the small screen. I currently watch two shows on television:

1. Parks and Recreation
2. Face-Off

They are so different, and so great. So, so great.

Parks and Rec is a "spin-off" of The Office. However, it should not be known as such; it is superior to its original in every way (at least in my opinion. Which, granted, isn't a very significant opinion at all). Every character on the show is wonderful, from Ron Swanson to April Ludgate. And it is hilarious. So hilar.

Face-Off is the stupidest show ever, but seriously it is so good. It is pretty much a poorly-made American Idol, but the contestants don't sing - rather, they apply special effects make-up. And let me tell you, it is crazy. The stuff they make is so amazing (and terrifying), it is incredible. But also so, so, so stupid.

Anyway, there are my favorite television shows. What are yours?


  1. Tried watching P&R and just didn't find it very entertaining. I'll have to check out Face-Off.

  2. You should try Parks and Rec again. If you can get through the first season (which is really terrible), it is the best things ever. The latest episodes are so brilliant and hilarious it is absurd.

  3. Best things ever? Certainly I meant best thing ever. Ha-ha.

  4. Wow David you really know how to sell a TV show; I mean I was sold with the first line about Face-Off, "Face-Off is the stupidest show ever." And just so we get something straight Friends is the best show ever (excepting like the first 3 seasons).

  5. You should continue giving us your two favorites under different categories: two books, two movies, two people, two plays, two types of cats. It could be the best thing ever. It's great to hear your 'very insignificant opinion'.
