Thursday, September 29, 2011

Manchee the Dog is my Effing Hero

So last month I picked up The Knife of Never Letting Go at Borders, pretty much on a whim. It sat on my bookshelf for like three days before I finished The Hunger Games (fourth time) and decided to give The Knife a shot. Five hours and 500 pages later, I went to bed.

Well, to be perfectly honest, I didn't get any sleep at all that night. Holy gosh, Patrick Ness is an unbelievable author. Other than perhaps The Hunger Games, no other book I have read has captivated me that much. Even though Ness didn't appear to be pulling any tricks (such as ending each chapter with a cliff-hanger), I cared so much about Todd and Viola (and Manchee... especially Manchee) that I was forced to keep reading. Seriously though, Manchee might be the greatest talking dog in the history of Literature.

(Quick note - In the world of The Knife, every man has something called Noise, which basically entails hearing ever single thought anyone nearby is thinking. Got it? Alright, let's move along.)

There was a certain aspect of Ness' writing that impressed me above all else. Even though Todd (the main protagonist) had a very distinct (otherwise know as illiterate) voice, Ness wrote the story in such a way that you were allowed (not forced) to look past his lack of "educashun." I'll be honest - I really didn't like Todd at all through the first few chapters. However, as the story moved on I began to empathize with him. What would people think of me if they were attacked by my every thought? I don't even want to consider it.  Eventually Todd's choices revealed that he was a whole effing (a Todd word) lot smarter than me, and probably a better person as well. I won't give away anything else about the plot, because it is really effing good.

Seriously, just read it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chaos Walking/Patrick Ness is the Man

Starting tomorrow, I'm going to focus on writing about each of the Chaos Walking books, starting with The Knife of Never Letting Go (obviously). 

Spoiler alert: 

They are awesome. 

In fact, everything Patrick Ness writes is straight up sterling. That is just a fact. 


Since this blog is going to be focused primarily on literature, I suppose I should throw out a few of my favorite novels. That way, you can decide if you would like to read on, or - more likely - run away as quickly as your little legs can carry you.

In no particular order -

Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold
All Creatures Great and Small
Bridge to Terabithia
Lillith: A Romance
Harry Potter
Surprised by Joy
The Knife of Never Letting Go

Eclectic, yo.

Oh yes - my favorite authors are Patrick Ness and Percy Bysshe Shelley. Not that it really matters.